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Principal's Message

As the largest co-education Catholic primary school in Wagga Wagga, we pride ourselves on giving your child opportunities to grow and thrive with education, faith and community. 

Serve One Another In Love! is not only the school motto but is lived out by the school community. Henschke Catholic Primary School has a dedicated and committed staff, generous and supportive parents, and priests who assist to bring the gospel values to the pupils and the best education possible. 

We are a vibrant community and continue to follow a long tradition of the Christian Brothers and Presentation Sisters, who both founded our school. 

The heart of this school and parish is built on the values of Jesus Christ, and we continue to be a school of friendliness and shared faith where students, staff and parents come together to live the gospel of Jesus. 

Parents and friends are always welcome to visit our school. 


Paul Jenkins

Our History

In 1952, the Presentation Sisters founded a school for girls as the Saint Maria Goretti School. 10 years later, the Christian Brothers established a school for boys on the same site called Bishop Henschke Boys School, and in 1978, the two schools merged to become the school we are  today. 

Since then, Henschke Catholic Primary School has become the largest co-education Catholic primary school in Wagga Wagga. 

We love our location ‘on top of the hill’ on Bourke Street, and we are proud of our strong traditions and foundations. 

Our Values

We ensure that your child knows they are always loved by God, and that they will return that love as they follow Jesus throughout their life. 

At Henschke Catholic Primary, we are committed to supporting your child on their journey through faith, love and education. As such, our community values are as follows: 

  • Faith – Teaching and celebrating Catholic traditions. 
  • Love – An environment where everyone is welcome, no matter who they are. 
  • Support – A school where no child is left behind on their learning journey. 
  • Education – Shaping a better world by using each other’s gifts. 

Through these pillars, we can deliver a thorough and thoughtful education to your child with the support of God and our community of parents and friends. 

Message from Father Thomas

Hello all, 

One thing I love about being parish priest is that I am called to be a spiritual father to everyone in the parish. That includes the young ones at school; the elderly including those in our four local nursing homes; and the parents in our parish, young and old. Being a Father means caring, protecting, feeding and listening. It also means being on call, so please never think I am too busy for you to contact me. 

Before I came to Our Lady of Fatima in January 2023, I was parish priest in Holy Trinity, Ashmont. Whether driving or on my bike, I’m already very familiar with the streets of our parish. 

My residence is on the school site to the corner of Bourke Street and Fernleigh Road. As well as the parish (Masses/Weddings/Confessions/Anointing/Funerals/teaching the Catholic Faith), I am also responsible for Calvary Hospital, The Forrest Centre, The Haven, Signature Care and the RSL Remembrance Village. In addition to my responsibilities in the School, I am also involved with the formation of new priests for the Confraternity of Christ the Priest and writing our Catholic magazine “Contact”. 

Henschke Catholic Primary School has a wonderful history of living and sharing the Faith, and gives parents of our students the chance to ask questions about God and eternal life. Our school is part of the life of our parish and so it is a door into the rest of our Church life, especially our Sunday Mass. When you enrol your children in our school, you know that their spiritual care becomes our priority and you do too. They will be taught the Catholic Christian understanding of God, of life and of the world. You are always welcome to talk with us about what we teach. We extend to you the invitation to learn about our Faith, which will help you appreciate and answer questions your children may ask at home about what they learn here. 

I look forward to meeting you, whether at our school, when we meet at the shops, or maybe when you see me out on the bike. 

Yours in Christ, 

Fr Thomas Casanova CCS PP 

Parish Priest

Fr Thomas Casanova CCS PP


550 Prune Street, Lavington NSW 2641

Contact Details

Phone: (02) 6025 1784
Email: holyspirit@westnet.com.au
Website: holyspiritlavington.org.au


Explore our current vacancies at Henschke Primary School. We may just have the dream job for you. 

Annual Report

Our annual reports outline what the school has achieved in the past year, and how we can grow in the coming one. Download our latest report below. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact the school. 


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