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Parent Information

Parent information

Get Involved

Our Network

The Parents & Friends Network provides a formal structure for everyone to participate in our activities and decision-making processes. This allows all students, staff, and families to benefit and take part in a community they can be proud of.

We aim to provide the best for your child and this cannot happen without strong partnerships between the home, school and community. However, it truly takes a community to achieve this connection, rather than a handful of parents. We welcome one and all parents who are passionate about helping their child’s school to grow and evolve as they do.

Parents & Friends Meetings

We invite you all to attend P&F meetings, which are held on the first Tuesday of every month in the staffroom or via Zoom at 6:15pm.

These meetings discuss the direction for the school, how we spend our money, what educational programs we implement, how teachers educate your children, and how the school is grows as part of the local community.

We understand not everyone can attend every single meeting, but regular attendance will increase your understanding and contribution to your child’s education, giving you the information required to feel confident about your choice of school community.

Compass Portal

Compass is our school’s parent portal.  Log in to submit attendance notes, access reports, give consent for school events and read announcements and school news.


School Calendar

Please refer to Compass Parent Portal and our Facebook page

Our Newsletter

View Our Latest Newsletters

All our Newsletters can be viewed here.

Our Uniform

The Henschke School Uniform Service (HSUS) provides all items, with the exception of shoes, for the Henschke Catholic Primary School community.

Uniform Order Service Form

Before And After School Care

Henschke Out of School Hours Care Inc (HOOSHC) was established in 2011. The service is a not-for-profit entity established by a group of Henschke Catholic Primary School (HCPS) parents who were all in need of care for their children out of school hours due to work and study commitments along with Assistant Principal Sandra Gunning. The Governing Committee is comprised of parents who utilise the service and a HCPS representative

Learn more about HOOSHC

Hours of Operation:

Before School: 7 am – 8:55 am

After School: 3:15 pm – 6 pm

All Enquiries:

Hannah Ross
Mob: 0481 338 799
E: coordinator@hooshcare.com.au

105 Fernleigh Rd, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650


(02) 6937 0000




(02) 6921 2996


205 Tarcutta Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

Term Dates 2024


Term 1   |   30 January – 12 April

Term 2   |   29 April – 5 July

Term 3   |   22 July – 27 September

Term 4  |  14 October – 17 December

Please note:

School speed zones operate on all notified school days, including school development days.

PDF Parent Handbook